Tuesday, March 29, 2011

What do you think?

What do you think? Will these companies save the US?

10 Brands American's Most Desire...read the results from buyology, a neuromarketing firm.

Do you think these companies could disappear?

Abercrombie find themselves in trouble again

Abercrombie found themselves the focus of their typical unethical discovery. Their newest newsmaker was a push up bikini tareget and sold to little girls. We continuously give them an "accident" pass. But, I seem to think that abercrombie knows better...there long list of poorly executed product creation surely can't be an accident at this point. They hire experienced professionals to support their business. Has the image of their brand become so riske that it has become acceptable for them to sell sex to a variety of age groups beginning with 6 or 7 years old?

In 2009, stores didn't introduce or emphasize sales to maintain image of its brand. However, it reported a 34% drop in profits during March, 2009 for their stores open for a minimum of 1 year. Was the slight turnaround in the economy and the lack of recent press for them an encouragement to act? Do you think that Abercrombie intentionally tries to stir controversy to receive media exposure? What about other companies that have been caught in similar situations? One time...might be an accident...3,4,5...I highly doubt it.


Monday, March 21, 2011